Spoon University: “Must Have Summer Snacks for College Students”
Ice cream is definitely a summer snack, but how can it work for a busy college student stuck in a tiny cubicle full of papers they can’t stain with chocolate? As an ice cream sandwich! Ice cream sandwiches are portable, easily held in one hand, less prone to spillage thanks to absorption from the sandwich buns, and can be individually wrapped to avoid the inconvenience of scooping your own ice cream.
My favorite ice cream sandwich brand is Brother’s Ice Cream from Brother’s Desserts, which was started by–you guessed it–brothers Gary and Errol in 1973 in Southern California. I got to try the Chocolate Chip Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich and Brownie Ice Cream Sandwich. Both were the perfect size for a snack and tasted as fresh as if I had gone to any ice cream shop and made my own sandwich. The cookie was gooey and chocolatey while the brownie was chewy and rich, and the sweet vanilla ice cream was the perfect pairing with both. I ate them standing outside of my classroom before going into my afternoon chemistry lab and they gave me all the joy I needed to get through my dull titrations and dilutions.
I also got to try Brother’s Ice Cream’s Mint Ice Cream Bonbons, which were small round balls of mint ice cream surrounded by a hard shell of chocolate, another convenient mess free snack for working college students. The only problem is you need a fridge or some other form of cooling to store them; you can’t really walk around with melting ice cream in your pocket all day. Nonetheless, Brother’s Ice Cream is a tasty summer snack that makes you feel like a child again after acting so much like an adult the entire day. Not to mention, July is National Ice Cream Month, so you basically have to try these out of respect for your country
Now available throughout Southern California on Postmates and Door Dash and always available online (hyperlink store: BrothersDesserts.com/order-online